We do not know what is happening but it has not been possible for large parts of the day for people to get onto the main site.
This is not the normal server pressure that happens from time to time.
I have no idea what the cause is - but please check here for the latest information.
..and please use the thread here for our ongoing discussion.
This explains modern politics today
5 hours ago
Peter from Putney
It is really sad. Especially as none of these posts will count towards the million!
Just when you're within spitting distance of your 1,000,000th post too. S0d's Law!
Peter from Putney
James - it seems like we're the only two who post on this reserve site.
A very select group though.
PB Channel 2 is actually me - Mike Smithson
Yeah some ppl probably don't realise that it is here... I did set up a refugee post on my blog in case nobody made the 'bunker' especially as 90% of my traffic recently has been from pb.com. But nobody has even looked at it :(
It's not a real problem, politics today is very boring.
Tim has found my reserve post. I havent yet revealed pb2...
does t*m know about this refuge?
James - how did you answer my question before I asked it?
My powers know no bounds!
There was a rumour of a specially commissioned Yougov earlier... did anything come of that?
Best of luck,chaps.
I know how frustrating it can be.
Make sure that you are all capable of simple fixes.
Let's talk dirty !
I think there are at the very least three Gordon Browns.
There is the Highmaster,the school bully and the wimp.
When GB is master of his brief it is in marked contrast to the times when he repeatedly stutters and has to consult his notes.
Yesterday saw the appearance of the masterly Gordon Brown and if he can replicate that mode in the HoC he has residual chances...but that is all they are.
Finally we live in interesting times.
It is irritating on blogger that you keep having to return to the top of the page to post... aargh.
Tonight's post was going to be based on this Bagehot's column in this week's Economist.
I think it's great -
PB Channel 2 is me
If anyone cares or wishes to surf over to my blog, tim and I are having the weirdest ordinary conversation. It is bizarre.
Mike do you think you are being targetted by anyone? or is it just technical issues. Cos it has happened a bit recently.
Habib Butt
habib butt PoliticsHome is out too...
In a way I'm quite relieved...have been abroad for the last few days and couldn't access the site in the evenings and Channel 2 was deserted!
Thanks for that James. Perhaps it's a sign, more and more people are visiting political sites.
Habib Butt
habib butt.I would say that was most unlikely.....could be wrong.
That was a magnificent article from Bagehot.
The next poll should be interesting and moreso the one after that.
Habib - Today seems very strange and I have no explanation.
There is always the feat that somebody decided to try to take you down but I'm not sure whether we can say that at the moment.
20.31 AND 21.03 was me.
Mike as both you and politicshome are down could make more of a case for an attack maybe.
Mike,put the paranoia out of your head.These things happen not all of the time but some of the time and keep looking for the technical fix.
Bagehot article good.
When Thatcher was at the height of hoer influence internationally, able indeed to urge George Bush Snr to takle up arms against Iraq, to stiffen the sinews of the West, she lost the domestic stage and her enemies started planning her departure.
Tony Blair in post 2001 activity and post Iraq again at height of his international influence lost the domestic game - coming close to going in 2004, surviving post election rancour in 2005 before finally in 2006 recognising he couldn't keep hold for much longer.
I've always thought what drove Brown to being PM was in large part the world stage - real belief in addressing poverty, in desire to help the third world (the David Livingstone heritage in Scots Presbyterianism) plus his desire, often expressed, for reform of international institutions. Again though they aren't necessarily political helpful domestically.
The only real new achievement from G20 was IMF getting ability to lend more to eastern Europe, Africa etc. - great for a world statesman, pretty useless for a PM in UK seeking re-election.
Grand National tips from the Speccie...
Mike, did you write your post on the bagehot article? I would be happy to host it on my blog if you want.
Good to find PB2 -what will the weekend bring? I am not sure how we judge the G20 - jobs will still go factories will close. At what point will people start to criticise Gordon again?
If he has any sense surely he will go to the country soon (and rescue my selftrade position!)
Icarus, what do you mean start to criticise him again? Some of us haven't stopped.
Coffee house managed to tip 11 of the 40 runners -we want the winner!!
Interesting post by Daniel Hannan
Habib Butt
Proper link
HB I don't think blogger allows links in comments...
Icarus - for a Labour Government it's unemployment that is the measure. Gordon's boast for years was "3 million jobs created". It was Darling this morning who basically said "we are doing this to protect jobs".
For those not looking in on the strange transformation of tim to a rational poster on my blog... he has suggested a possible long shot bet of Michelle Obama for Pres in 2016.. I think 2020 would be more realistic for a run for her if she is interested.
Back on Mikes's topic (the Bagehot column in the Economist):
"David Cameron, the Conservatives’ leader, is not quite so reverentially regarded as Mr Blair was a year before he took office: by then Mr Blair’s speeches were received as advance notices of government policy."
Surely Cameron has to start coming up with some policies soon.
This "we cant tell what we do until we see the books" doesn't compare well with Gordon striding across the international stage.
Icarus - Cameron has policies. I think that the differing economic background makes the politics of policy announcement different.
The really are softening us up for an IMF bailout...
No matter how they try, Labour will never remove the stigma of having to go cap in hand to the IMF.
I wasn't really aware of it at the time, but my parents remember the national shame of Healey begging.
Take a look at Paul Waugh blog and listen to mandy about 19 mins in , every picture tells a story
Maggie Thacher Fan
wibbler I wasn't even born when the IMF bailed us out, but I know it was what made my Dad leave the Labour party.
Sorry for typo W Indies 71-4 Chanderpaul out, got a bit over exited!!
I think we are extremely tolerant over here MTF, whilst we sit in the bunker waiting for the main site to return.
Surely an IMF bailout would render Gordon a laughing stock - all his arguments about sound management would be gone. Whether it really would be a disaster is debatable, but the stigma would make it look awful.
Civilised conversation tonight - I almost wish the site was down more frequently. Best wishes for reconnecting.
James Burdett, I was, and the political fallout was immense, but the amount of money then was peanuts by comparison with what will soon be required.
If you listen to Mandy saying the stigma attached for applying for funds from the IMF has gone, you can almost see what is in his mind. G20?? anyone?? green shoots anyone BAH !
Anon - I hear you!
It's back up
Habib Butt
hi guys its Easterross. Politics Home is down as well. Clearly there is either an unfortunate coincidence or someone is attacking both sites. Are any of the other political sites down?
Not for me HB
Going to the IMF, however it was prepared for, would be a disaster, nailing Brown as an incompetent Chancellor & PM.
I think he over-egged the G20 - carried away by the facty it went OK, that he was praised by his peers (and his Hero). "The fightback starts here" headline in the Telegraph is very dangerous unless green shoots appear and flourish. It's a repeat of the Bail Out I - "Saving the World" - which led to a burst of optimism and Brown Bounce II.
this is bizarre, looks like for a lot of people, the site never went down - Habib Butt
It's back for me too. Thank heaven for this safety valve!
Hi guys - the main site has been a little cranky for me this evening, but I've not had the sort of outage you all seem to have experienced.
Is this a browser-specific problem do we think?
I'm using Safari - anyone had problems with Firefox and Chrome, or is this an IE problem?
Hi Morus - I tried accessing PB via safari and aol via my laptop which uses BT business ISP, and couldnt get on. And I couldnt access either on my mobile which is o2/blackerry - Habib Butt
I had problems with Firefox 3. My ISP is BT.
Looking at here, and at the original site, it looks like those with Virgin or BT ISP's had the issue - Habib
...and we Conservatives are going to raise taxes and cut spending might not go down very well.
Habib, looking at the email addresses/Ip's of those who posted on my blog. I can support that hypothesis.
James - Thanks for that, right I'm switching ISP's. Cos i dont want to the millioneth post extravaganza - Habib
The site is up and running again
The main site seems to be down again. Mike is aware and its the same problem as before
Oh well !Seems to be happening at this time of day.
Here is a diversion,my 3Way Book on Labour Seats next GE.
Below 215
215-245 inclusive
246 and above.
7-4 each of three to well known faces only.
I won't be taking your bet.
But if you don't mind answering an educational question, how did you judge the probability of each band? And why do you consider 7/4 a fair price for each band?
Is it just educated guesses?
I reckon the millionth post scramble is going to be a nightmare...
Wibbler (great name).
What I am trying to construct is a three-way bet where every side is equal.
The true odds are 2-1 but I have gone mad and offered 7-4.
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