We all know election nights can be an interesting night for politicos across the world, many including me still remember the interest that was shown by us the general public in the UK in the election night of the Presidential election, it's this mood of watching election nights that has got me thinking.
I know PB ran an election night thread at the last general election, the problem is at the time PB wasn't as popular as it is today and if Mike was to run another thread like that, it just wouldn't give the lurkers to the site the news and info that they need. So what do we do?
How about Mike runs an online radio stream or video stream? We could have a sort of PB politics programme on election night, with call in features, reports from info gathered via twitter, etc. Wouldn't that be a way to really broadcast election night from PB to all the members of the parish and lurkers who spend time over at the site?
How about PB TV? Anything is possible, I personally think we all need to put our thinking caps on and think about a way for the world to see the blogosphere report the election results as they break. Although I like many will be at counts supporting candidates who I will work restlessly to get elected, many PBers don't back a certain political party or will not be backing a candidate, hence them having an easy election day compared to people like myself.
Oh Bobby J, hoist with his own petard
1 hour ago
If there was a PB TV election special I would really like to get my hands on a virtual map of the UK, as well as a three party battleground. I already have the main targets for the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and Others (Plaid, SNP, Greens)
If there's a virtual map, could we have it like electoralcalculus.co.uk's one, if Martin Baxter would let us have it.
And perhaps some regional swing data as it comes through, and seat predictions updated live according to that?
Or perhaps we could have the different models' seat predictions head-to-head?
Lots of options...
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